May 2017 Pictures of Honeybee removal jobs!
I haven't had time to document the removals like I wanted to, so here is a picture dump of some of the jobs I have done lately. Inside an...

HELP!!! I Think I Have A Honey Bee Problem!!
HELP! There is a large cluster of honeybees hanging from a limb (or fence/car/house) in one of my trees. They were definitely not there...

1st Honey Bee Removal EVER
Its September 2015 and a previous client (I caught a snake out of his house) calls and says his apartment complex has honey bees above a...

Honey Bees in a Chimney
Check out the mason at https://www.facebook.com/Bradhillmasonry/ Late October 2016 I get a message from another honey bee keeper saying...

January Honey Bees?!
Its 70 degrees on Janurary 10th and we received our first Honey Bee removal calls of the year! As usual they had to search and find us...